Hi bookworms!

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Finally, I have collected all my courage and start this book blog. I planned making this a long time ago, but i don’t know what’s keeping me from doing this. Maybe I was a little scared to step out of my comfortable zone? Or maybe the timing wasn’t right? Whatever reasons I used to have for not pursuing this book blog are long way gone. (YAY!)

I started this because I want to share with you my love for books. And when did this bookworm thing start? I can still remember it- crystal clear.

I was in my freshman year in high school. I was a transferee which means I am a new student. New surroundings, new school, new people, new professors. And what are the odds that my professor in English turned out to be my biggest crush. And since he likes to read books, I also indulged myself into reading, specially the books of his favorite author who is Paulo Coelho. After that, I can’t stop myself from reading books and after years of reading and reading, I have this huge collection of books.

So yes! This book blog is one way of me saying thanks to all the trees that are cut down just for us to have books- to have something to read. And I think, it would be a waste just to let my books seat on my book shelf so now I’m sharing them to all of you. Also, I think that now is the right time to reach out to all my fellow book lovers and bookworms out there! There maybe times that I will be MIA, but I’ll try to make it up to you.

…and now, I unfold another chapter of my life.


2 thoughts on “Hi bookworms!

  1. Great first post! Blogging can be a scary thing, but you did it! So happy for you & can’t wait to see what else you come up with! You have my love & support ❤ hehe

    xoxo Cherry

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    1. Thank you, you don’t know how much your kind words mean to me. Yes it’s true that I’m a bit scared on starting this one, but thanks to you and to my friends, you all supported me in doing this one! Thanks girl xx

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